Nails, like the rest of the body, vary from person to person. Small, large, narrow, wide ... The characteristics of the nail plate can be changed. There’s probably not a woman who wouldn’t want to have the perfect nail shape. But what does the term “ideal” mean in this case? Most often it is their shape that you can shape with the help of nail files. Which nails fit your hand? Our tips may help you.
How to choose the right nail shape?
Until recently, the general rule was that the shorter the fingers, the longer the nails, which can be aesthetically pleasing but very impractical. Today, such stylizations are abandoned. Where to start then? In the beginning, it is definitely worth analyzing the shape of the hand and considering the nature of the work being done.
The most common forms of nails
The round shape of the nails will be perfect for people who are physically working and / or have easily breakable nail plates. It will also work for women who for various reasons cannot afford longer nails. How to get a perfectly rounded tile shape? It's very easy. It is enough to round the sides very gently with a nail file.
The oval shape of the nails suits almost every hand. To sum it up in a few words - it's a more protruding version of rounded nails. Like the “basic” shape, they look just as natural, but more prone to damage. Also, the process of modeling them is a bit more time consuming, although still relatively simple. The sides of the nail plate should be rounded along the entire length with a file. The biggest benefit of oval nails is the effect of wonderfully slender hands.
Square nails look pretty spectacular, but they’re not for everyone. People with short and wide toes should definitely avoid them. If you have weak nails this is also not the shape for you. Square nails are more prone to breakage. Therefore, nails should always be hardened to avoid the unpleasant consequences associated with their damage.
Almond nails are definitely more laborious and time consuming to make. However, they look gorgeous and also lengthen the arms. Unfortunately, they are difficult to maintain in perfect condition. Therefore, most nail lovers who opt for this nail shape choose acrylic styling. For almond nails and spots, the effective use of a nail file is essential. The most important thing is to “feel” the moment when the sawing process needs to be completed.
Pointed nails are only suitable for special occasions, as they are definitely impractical. They look good in almost all hand shapes - even for people with short fingers. If you choose this nail shape be especially careful when wearing socks. Nails of this shape very often get stuck in clothes and delicate fabrics.
Perfect nail shape - does it exist?
Will just one nail shape be perfect for each person? Certainly not, it all depends on what your priority is at the moment. Comfort, achieving a spectacular effect, or perhaps the short time it takes to complete styling? What if you’re not sure which nail shape fits your hand? We recommend that you visit a professional nail stylist. Such a person will definitely best diagnose your needs, choose the perfect nail shape and do a manicure. It is important that you only need a nail file for “cosmetic” styling fixes. This way you will be able to save the time that is so often missing ...
Were you inspired by our post on nail shapes? Remember to choose a quality nail file - an essential tool for a nail stylist!
2 Comment(s)
Almond are the most feminine and classic
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